ECI 517

Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Learning Environments

Examination and application of behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist theoretical frameworks underlying the design and development of advanced technology-enhanced learning environments.

Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Learning Environments was a stimulating and thought-provoking class for me, due in part to the sheer amount of information associated with the application of modern learning, cognition, and instructional theories. We worked through a multitude of tasks and prompts to prepare us for real-world problem-solving scenarios. The debates and discussion forums were necessary components for mastering the pros, cons, nuances, and intricacies of the different theories. I enjoyed seeing how my own personal theory of learning changed as I progressed through the course. I am including several work samples and essays as evidence to show how critical thinking and reasoning helped shape my comprehension of the material as well as my own personal learning theory.

Theory and Analysis Papers

Initial Personal Theory Paper

Acquire & Retain New Information. Prior Knowledge. Cooperation. Objectivism. Interpretivism. Pragmatism. Effective Instruction.

Reflexive Synthesis Paper

Behaviorism. Cognitive Information Processing. Constructivism. Conditioning. Retrieval. Recognition. Rehearsal. +/- Punishment. +/- Reinforcement. Perspectives. Point of View. Collaborative Learning.

Analysis of Application Paper

Reflecting on Culture Through Digital Writing and Photographs. Gagné’s Taxonomy of Learning Outcomes. Attitudes. Vygotsky’s Social Learning Theory. Inputs & Materials. Means. Interpretivism. Constructivism. Learning in Context. Sociocultural History. Analysis & Evaluation.

Revised Personal Theory Paper

Cognitive Information Processing. Constructivism. Interpretivism. Rationalism. Idealism. Long- & Short-Term Memory. Sensory Memory. Scaffolding. Automaticity. Chunking. Encoding Specificity. Mnemonics & Imagery. Activation of Prior Knowledge. Perspectives. Cognates. Higher-Order Goals. Modes of Learning. Social Negotiation. Authentic & Meaningful Learning.

Debates and Post-Debate Essays

Debate 1
Punishment is more effective than positive reinforcement as a method for changing behavior.

Debate 2
Learning can be best understood by studying the internal processes within the mind.
Debate 3
Knowledge cannot be transmitted by a teacher; it can only be constructed by the learner.

Related Analyses and Course Designs

An Analysis of Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology

Interactionism. Empiricism. Nativism. Physical & Empirical Knowledge. Social Knowledge. Logical & Mathematical Knowledge. Constructivism. Children. Sequence of Stages. Disequilibrium. Concrete vs. Abstract. Student-Centered.

Designing an Activity using Situated Learning Theory

Situated Learning. Description of Learning Activities. Learning Outcomes. Learner & Instructor Roles. Spanish. Conditions. Activities & Assessments. Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Learning Trajectories. Anchored Instruction.

Instructional Applications of Vygotsky’s Social Learning Theory in ECI 517

Sociocultural History & Contexts. Social Learning. Social Milieu. Cognitive Development. Peer Interaction. Zone of Proximal Development. Scaffolding. Learning by Discovery. Knowledge Construction. Cognitive Conflicts. Problem-Solving. Iconic & Symbolic Representation. Language & Encoding. Transfer of Knowledge.

Learning Outcomes & Conditions

Primary Learning Outcome. Identity Texts. Analysis & Evaluation. Affective Domain. Attitudes. Expectancy of Success. Student Identification with Admired Human Model. Communication or Demonstration of Choice Personal Action. Path to Teaching. Feedback for Successful Performance. Procedural & Prerequisite Knowledge.