Digital Learning Program & Staff Development
Study and application of principles related to digital learning program planning, facilities and resource management, and staff development in K-12 settings.
While Digital Learning Program and Staff Development was challenging at times, it offered plenty of relevant, hands-on experience to prepare me for my potential career as a K-12 instructional technology facilitator (ITF). As I read, studied, and worked through the course projects, I felt as if I were already working as an ITF.
In this class, we talked about the diverse roles needed to facilitate the use of various technologies in K-12 schools. Using real-world examples, we studied the laws and policies governing technology as it relates to student privacy and data. Through online discussions, we reviewed various acceptable and responsible use policies. We also discussed different evaluation models and the benefits of each.
The projects and discussions helped us examine the differences between copyright, fair use, and creative commons licensing. We reviewed various guides for making content accessible and UDL compliant. During the unit on classroom technology infrastructure, we also looked at how to make physical workspaces purposeful for accommodating different technologies. Finally, we determined how to apply adult learning theory (andragogy) for teaching and training educators.

This class was full of information that a K-12 ITF would find highly valuable. The projects and assignments listed below are only a small sampling of what I learned.
Digital-Age Learning Plan for Increasing Classroom Technology Use
Design a Responsive Classroom
Introduction to Blended Learning Staff Training
I opted not to include the PowerPoint presentation here. However, I have included a printout of the presentation slides.
BYOD Data Security Policy for Teachers
Teaching Philosophy Statement